Monday, August 27

To market we go


Off to the Markets we went on was a great experience.

I really enjoyed meeting so many talented local artists showing their beautiful creative work off. The markets specialised in quality unique babies & kids lines. Lots of clothes; hats and artwork were on display.

I was really nervous prior to going, as with hand made products produced by yourself it is so personal and you don't know how the public will respond to your range. We were warmly welcomed by customers & received so many lovely comments on "Cheeky Charley Designs" and how beautifully made the quilts & cushions were. We walked away with a couple of bespoke quilt orders - so I'm happy.

My two gorgeous daughters came along to help out for the day. Unfortunately daughter #1, suddenly came down with some rather violent bug & after a public vomit (which she was & still is completely mortified that it occurred in public) my husband had to quickly race over and take her home to recover.

After my first market I came away learning allot. I learnt that some products we took are not suited to the market clientele & the need for some other new lines are required for this target market.

I will return to market again in late October, hopefully daughter #1 will have overcome her little embarrassment & will join me!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend:)



  1. I used to do craft shows and you just never knew what would sell and what wouldn't. Depended in the customers any given year so you couldn't even really count on what you did the year before. I finally stopped doing them because I hated the stress of preparing and making things according to a deadline. I like to create just for the heck of it. Of course, I'm not doing anything as lovely as you are with your patchwork pillows and quilts. Sorry to hear about your daughter. When we were in Sri Lanka last month, near 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, both our boys came down with a 24-hour bug that kept them in bed so we weren't able to see anything except the grounds of our hotel. Good thing it was an eco-friendly hotel in a conservation forest. :) Have a good week. Tammy

  2. Oh, your poor girl. How awful when unexpected things happen in public! It's pretty neat that your girls can help you out with your market stall. Aside from the sudden sickness, I hope it was a successful day for you. x


Thank you for dropping by. I appreciate you taking time to leave a comment. Have a lovely day:) Nicole x